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elderly dog, back legs slipping out

19 11:35:55

Our dog is an 18 y.o. Jack Russell who has continued to be active.  This morning her back legs would slip out from under her like she was walking on ice.  She doesn't seem sick, she's eating well, going out, barking at squirrels, etc., and will walk fine.  Then her legs will slip and then she'll be walking fine.  I can't figure it out.

Hi Barb,

If your dog wasn't walking on a slick surface when you noticed her back legs giving out, she might be having a neurological problem.

A couple of things come to mind, this could be caused by a a blood clot, hind end weakness from diabetes, nerve degeneration, hyperthyroidism or even arthritis. Your first course of action should be a trip to your vet, to get a diagnosis.

Best of luck,