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tummyy spots

19 11:51:45

I have a one year old bullmastif neutered male dog who has recently developed 3 1-2 inch areas of discolored skin on his belly, each adjacent to one scabby red spot of smaller size.  They appear to itch him. What should I do?

Hi Cyndi,

There are many skin disorders that could be categorized by the description you've given me. Your dog could have a bacterial or fungal skin infection, allergic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, or  autoimmune disorder.
It's also possible for your dog to have a secondary bacterial or yeast infection, since he's been scratching or chewing at the primary infected area, and would require treatment for that as well.

Treatments vary depending on the problem. Skin disorders benefit from prompt treatment, so I recommend you having your dog examined by your vet ASAP.

I hope I've been a help.
Bet of luck,