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DHTTP Vaccination Question-Thanks in advance!

19 9:12:54

Hello Shelley and thanks in advance to any advice you can give me regarding this. My 16 month old German Shepherd is due to a dhttp shot according to the vet office- I am apprehensive about getting this shot again because of mixed information I've heard regarding whether dogs need it a second time/ever again once they received it (as he did at approx 4.5 months) as a puppy. I've read "they need it again" and "don't get it again" for various reasons. I hear I could get titer testing but have heard mixed things about that too. Can you offer some light on this subject? Thank you!

Hi A.

Thank you for contacting me regarding your puppy's vaccination schedule. I'm not one to over vaccinate a dog so I lean towards the more holistic approach, which is minimul vaccinations based on life long immunity and possibly titer testing down the road.  

This is a really good article about not over vaccinating:

This is what my own personal vet has to say on the subject:

You can also look at the work of Dr Dodds at Hemopet who gives a vaccination schedule based on her research.

I personally would recommend that "less is more" for the health of your dog.

Thank you for being an independent thinker!  

Best of luck to you and your puppy.

Shelley Davis

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