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Pregnant Schnauzer

19 10:38:50

My shnauzer is due any day now. I took her to the vet a week ago this past Friday, and she said probably another week but she has not had them yet. Today when she was walking around the yard she would walk a little bit and then drop on her bottom. She has done that all day. She also laid in the yard and rolled all over her back in the grass. I have checked signs of labor for dogs on the internet but it does not say anything about her walking and suddenly dropping to her bottom like it hurts. I took her temp and it was 100.2. Is this weird behavior labor.

Hi Misty,

As you probably know, a dog's normal temperature range is usually around 101 to 102 degrees Fahrenheit. It's a pretty good rule of thumb that a pregnant dog's temperature will drop within the last 12 to 24 hours before whelping, to below 99 degrees, and the puppies should be born within 24 hours of the temperature drop. Like I said, it's a rule of thumb, and some dogs don't experience the drop in temperature.

Another sign that whelping is near, is the dog may act distressed, and be panting, pacing, or acting uncomfortable. Your dog dragging her butt along the ground might have been a sign of discomfort... or maybe she just had an itchy butt! Of course, if your dog is showing signs that her back side is painful, you should bring it to the attention of your vet.

I think it's okay, to allow your dog to be acting a little weird during this last week or so of her pregnancy.

Best of luck to you, your soon to be mama dog, and her puppies!
