Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > puppies/heat


19 10:15:00

Hi Patti.  My Shiba Inu puppy might be pregnant. she's healthy- but is only  9
months old. Is this dangerous for her? Is she mature enough ; and what about
the developing babies?  Thanks for taking my question, Patti.  Sincerely, Julie W.

Hi Julie,

Ideally, a female dog shouldn't be bred before her second heat cycle. Technically, your dog is still a puppy herself, and isn't mature enough to be as good a mother as she would be when she's older.

It's a pity you didn't have your dog spayed before the onset of her first heat cycle, when she would have gained the most health benefits, but it's not too late that she can't be spayed now. If you don't take control of this, this won't be the last accidental pregnancy you have to deal with.

If cost is a factor, contact your local animal shelter or Humane Association to see where there is a reduced cost spay clinic in your area.

Best of luck,
