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Rash on my dog possibly caused by wasp sting

19 10:03:03

A few days ago my baby staffordshire terrier (1 year old) suffered a wasp sting to the bum.  I quickly removed the wasp and she urinated a couple of times from the pain.  Then I put a cold cloth to try and sooth it and it seemed to calm her down quite a bit.  After about a day and a half she started to get a rash all underneath where her hair is the shortest and on her knees.  If it can not be attributed to the wasp yesterday I took her to a dog park and there was a lot of prickle bushes that she was running through?  I looked up some holistic remedies and went out and got some pure aloe cream and dog shampoo with oatmeal to try and bring all the bumps down.  Still waiting to see if that works good or not.  But do you have anything you can tell me about where this may have came from and if there are better ways of combating it?

  Thank you for your time.


Hi Steven,

A rash isn't a typical symptom of a bee or wasp sting. Maybe it's a reaction from the sticker bushes as you suspected.

You can try dabbing on some Witch Hazel or 100% pure Aloe Vera Gel. If the rash doesn't seem to get better in a day or two, you should have your dog examined by your veterinarian.

Should your dog ever get stung by a bee or wasp again, first remove the stinger. Scrape a stinger free with the blunt edge of a knife, a credit card, or a fingernail file. A stinger can continue to pump out venom even if it is not attached to an insect.  Then mix a little baking soda and water to a paste and apply it to the sting area.

Best of luck,
