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Cockapoo puppy

19 11:52:07

We are about to receive a Cockapoo puppy.  Our friends who are giving him to us would like to use him to breed when he's older.  This means we will have an unneutered male dog as a pet in our clean, new house.  We would really love to care for this dog and give him a  happy home.  What pitfalls or advice can you give us about unneutered  
male Cockapoos or unneutered male behavior?

Hi Catherine;
Unneutered males mark their territory more than neutered ones.
The main concern I have is that not having them neutered when they are young, preferably when they are 4 to 6 months old is, their health.
Neutering and spaying before they become mature enough to reproduce helps prevent males from having Prostate cancer as well as some other cancers and diseases.
Spaying females that young, prevents them having breast cncer.
Neutered males and spayed females live longer, and helthier lives.
Breeding should be done ONLY when it will improve the bred or that breed line.
Go to     www/
read up on neutering and spaying on that site.
There is a lot of good information on there.
YOU are the one who will have to pay for the Vet Bills and the surgeries if he has any of the things that can be easily prevented by neutering at an early age.
YOU will have to put up with scrubbing the places he marks.
I use simple solution to scrub so the dog can't smell it and think it is ok to go there.
I foster for a couple of rescue groups, aso I often have dogs in my home that are not housebroken.
Simple Solution is what I think works best.