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puppy sores

19 9:48:28

hi  i have a problem my puppies are 5 weeks old and i started weaning them last week well i have 3 and only 1 has developed these blister looking sores on his nose at first i though it was just the other puppies playing/chewing  well now its like his whole outer mouth is swollen not a lot but still noticeable and on his bottom lip towards the corners he has like knots. please help what is it and what can i do to cure him

Hi Nicky,

Thank you for writing to me about your new puppies.  Without seeing the blisters in person it is difficult to know exactly what the condition is but my guess is that it could be puppy warts.  They can be minimal or multiple, and can thrive both inside and outside the oral cavity.  This is caused by a virus and it will run it's course naturally.  It is also contagious to other dogs.

You can administer a homeopathic remedy called Thuja which can be purchased in a good health food store or on line.  I have personally used this successfully with puppy warts.

It is always recommended to have a vet look at a condition to determine what the cause is and then you can opt to treat it naturally...this is just to make sure that the condition is not something other than warts.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis