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Separation anxiety in our dog

19 14:27:44


We recently adopted a rescued pet. She is a mixed breed, about 28 lbs. We left her in a crate when we got her a few weeks ago, and she ate her way through the bars and eliminated on the floor. She gets very anxious and excited if I leave the house, (I work at home) so I haven't been leaving her alone, rather sending her to a friend or day care. I need to go into the office 1 or 2 times a week and I'd like to lead a normal life with her in it. We got her a plastic crate which she sleeps in and eats in. I have tried to close/lock the door and she starts to get anxious. I've read a lot about separation anxiety and gradual behavior modification, but I have appointments to go to now! What can I do?


I have read a lot of advice that I do not see how the average person can follow it. In general crates are the best answer to leaving a dg alone.  As you have learned, some dogs are very resistance to crates.  In the past, she may have been left too long shut up somewhere.  If she doesn't seem to be able to get out of the new crate, you might try leaving her with a Kong filled with peanut butter.  Try it for a short period on a day you do not have to be away all day.  She may be to busy licking the peanut butter out to worry about your absence.  For all day, you could freeze it to make it last even longer.  

The longer you have her, the more trusting she may become that you will return, and the less upset at being left alone.  I encourage people to adopt from rescues and shelters every chance i get.  Unfortunately, too often there are problems due to past abuse.  I wish I had a better answer, but she may have to go through a little trauma before she learns to trust you and that you always do come back eventually.