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19 14:01:23

He came and put a deposit on one pup then came back and said he wanted the second pup i told him i needed a deposit on the second pup to hold it for him. He said (this was a friday) he be back monday with a deposit NO Show for 2 weeks! I called 3 times got his wife the first time she said she have him call me, 2nd time i left a message as it was a week later, 3rd time i got him and he said oh yeah I'll be by this afternoon to give you the deposit . He never showed up. This was my last pup and I could have sold him seveal times but i was waiting on this guy to come every day and he never showed. when he put a desposit on the first pup he asked if i would hold it an extra week because he was going on vacation , i agreed now he's on vacation without so much as a phone call back to me. I just don't want to deal with a person who can't even make a phone call to let me know what's going on. I waited two weeks for him to call me back.


Followup To

Question -
Hi Karen, you said you are a breeder then can you tell me how you would handle this. A man put a deposit on a pup and the agreement was he did not have to pay the balance until he pick up the pup at 8 weeks old. In the meantime he came back and said he wanted my last pup and would come back after the week end and give me a deposit on the pup. It's been 2 weeks and after 3 calls to him he has not showed. I want to give him back his deposit and not sell any dog to him. In my contract i state no deposit return after 7 days but i would rather not sell to a person like this so can i give him back the deposit and not sell him a pup.

Answer -
I'm not entirely sure I understand what you are saying.

The man put a deposit on one puppy and then returned saying he wanted a second puppy? But you did not get a deposit on the second puppy (only the first)? Did he ever get any puppy?

**When you called him three times, did you ever reach him and talk to him?** If so, what did he say?

In my mind, taking a deposit is making a legal commitment by both parties, but stuff does happen in people's lives and there may be a legitimate reason why this man has not gotten back to you.... illness, death in the family, etc.

What exactly do you mean by "no deposit return after seven days"?

While I no longer take deposits for any of my dogs (and I never did for *specific* puppies in a litter), when I did, I operated under the premise that if I had something suitable for that person (sex, color, etc.) and he changed his mind, he lost his deposit. If I didn't have what he wanted, I gave him his deposit back (or he could wait for a different litter).

I really need my above questions answered before I can give a more definitive response.

Okay, I think I understand a bit better. I do think you are obligated to hold the first puppy for him since you had agreed to do that until his vacation was over.

As to the second puppy, no deposit... no puppy. He had two opportunities to get that deposit to you, and for whatever reason did not. You have no obligation to hold it for him.