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Italian Greyhounds

19 11:15:38

I own 2 Italian greyhounds.  They are around 14 or 15 years old.  I have noticed as they are getting older, the have an odor that is awful.  I have keep the bedding clean, fresh food and water.  They are both blind and still go outside to the bathroom.  Can you help me figure out what this could be.  I would like to get this odor out of my house, do you have any suggestions?

Hi Cyndi,

Animals (including humans) can smell different as they age due to hormonal and other changes.  However, if the odor is as strong as you're desribing I would suggest taking the dogs in promptly for a complete veterinarian check-up, especially if they haven't been in for a while.  The vet will probably want to check liver and kidney levels, CBC, fecal for nutrient digestion, their anal areas, and their teeth, paws, ears, skin, tenperature and blood pressure taken if possible, and whatever else your vet suggests - but these mentioned should be part of the package unless your vet says otherwise.  

In addition to blood count and whatever else your vet thinks may be applicable, your dogs should have a thorough, external 'going over' to make sure that there are no external lesions or infections on any parts of their bodies, as well as any teeth, gum, ear, or anal problems that could be causing odors.  

As far as for myself, personally, if these were my own dogs, I would probably have their abdomens given an ultrasound or at least x-rayed to see if everything seems to be okay - however, your vet may or may not suggest this depending on other factors.

You may also want to follow up with a veterinary skin specialist/dermatologist depending on what occurs with your regular vet to see if the odor can be coming from a skin sensitivity or allergy of some type if your regular vet can not determine what's causing the odor or help you eradicate or modify it.

I have owned dogs that, fortunately, did get very old with me, and while their odors did change over time, there was usually a reason (skin allergies, tooth aging problems, etc.).  When you have dogs, you learn to live with the fact that they age and go through changes, and sometimes the best we can do is make sure they're kept comfortable, clean, get fresh and healthful food and water, and get good vet care.  Realize that since your dogs are older, they may need more frequent vet care than younger, healthy dogs that usually go only once a year.  Again, check with your vet as to how often they should be seen, and good for you for taking such good care of those sweet, little senior I.G.s!  

If possible, please post me an update and let me know how they're doing.

Madeline Friedman, M.A., at AllExperts
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