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Bad Eating Habits

19 11:00:47

QUESTION: My dog, Finnegan, is an approximately 3 year old basenji mix, I got him about a year ago from animal control of Manhattan.  Food has always been sort of a take it or leave it thing with him.  Until about six weeks ago I was just leaving a bowl of food out 24-7, but some have said this is not a good idea and I was not able to get an idea of how much he was eating, and I know there were times when he went over a day without eating anything.  So, about six weeks ago, I started to mix his food with yogurt and feed him twice a day, this was a HUGE first.

Yesterday morning, he didn't eat anything, so I picked up the bowl when I left for work, last night, i gave him his food and it took him almost two hours of picking at it to empty the bowl.   This morning, again, nothing...

He's perfectly healthy (were just at the vet last week), had an insane amount of energy, gets at least 2.5 to 3 hours of exercise a day, very lean but not underweight (22lbs).

Any suggestions, or should I just assume he'll eat when he wants to.

ANSWER: I do have suggestions but most people don't like them LOL. Not about this subject anyway. What you have accidentally done is to allow your dog to train you beautifully. :) Dogs are like children and very manipulative. They are often under estimated so don't be surprised you are not the first.
Feed him twice a day every day at the exact same time. Put his food down unceremoniously and with no additives. Leave it for thirty minutes and pick it up. No snacks, no treats no nothing in between meals. He will likely protest and sulk by refusing to eat his dry kibble after you've been adding goodies. He's bored with the yogurt and is assuming that he can bluff you into thinking he will starve if you don't add some OTHER kind of goody. Once he becomes aware that the game is over and that you have won and that what is being put down for him twice per day will be removed rather quickly should he  choose NOT to eat,. leaving him with an empty tummy until the next meal, he will eat. Now some dogs are VERY bright and very stubborn and those dogs take longer. He might lose weight,. Hang tough eventually he WILL eat. :)
Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Cindi, you don't understand, he's just not all that interested in food.  He doesn't beg for my food when I eat, he never ever gets anything other than his food, he does get a stuffed kong when I leave for work, which helps with the nervousness and separation anxiety.   He will literally go days without eating which is why I switched to feeding him twice a day so I could monitor his intake.  The yogurt was simply to get him to eat since food just doesn't seem that interesting to him.  You should have seen us during obedience school...I couldn't for the life of me find a "high value" treat, food just isn't that interesting to him.

Then my suggestion would be to go back to the vet. If he/she didn't do bloodwork I'd insist on it. Liver panels. kidney panels, thryoid., blood sugar, everything, don't let them leave out Pancreas and cancer screening. Severe loss of appetite can be the very first symptom of something serious
Good luck