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Socialization and bolting

19 10:02:47

We are getting a new doodle puppy.  Our 8 year old Golden (who is very smart and quite well trained) has a wonderful disposition but is not well socialized to other people.  She goes nuts when she sees them (overly friendly)What is the most effective way to socialize a puppy to be calm around people when she gets older?  The Golden knows all the commands but if she feels like it she bolts.  We do not want this problem with the new dog.

It is tough, but the best thing is to refuse to let people give your puppy any attention unless it is sitting quietly right from the start.  That may require better people skills than I have.  Dogs are much easier to control than people.  You could do the same thing with the Golden, but it would take a long time to retrain an 8 year old.