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feeding a five week german sheperd

19 11:25:00

Hi! I was gifted a five week old german sheperd pup last night and she hasn`t been weaned yet. I live on a remote tea plantation. What do i feed her and how often ? She doesn`t seem to know how to lap from the bowl.

Here is what I have done when weaning puppies: Mix a bit of baby rice cereal and ground-up dog food with some goat's milk. Start out with a thin gruel, and gradually make it thicker as the puppy grows, eventually giving less cereal and more dog food. When it is mostly dog food, I start soaking that with water, and once the puppy teeth are all in, just feeding the dog food dry. The puppy should be fed four times a day at this age.

Now, if you don't have access to those items, you will have to figure out how to duplicate it. You should be able to find goat's milk, I would think. You could mix up a gruel out of mashed-up rice, or possibly oatmeal. I would add some shredded, chopped-up cooked chicken to that. You could also boil an egg, and feed the puppy the mashed-up egg yolk in the gruel.

Good luck with the baby!