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Dog Mounting Problems

19 11:26:24

We have had our weimaraner Cosmo for 7 years and now and he is a 12 year old male. We decided to get a new dog and just received a 1year old male weim, Wyley. The only problem is Cosmo contiunes to hump Wyley and won't stop. Wyley was abused as a puppy and it really scares him. We want him to stop humping and start bonding any suggestions?

Dear Taylor,
Thanks for the question. The mounting you describe is a social behavior - a sort of I'm the boss of you statement.

There are always several steps to stopping any behavior.
1) Meet your dog's basic needs - exercise, training, diet, shelter, etc.

2) Prevent your dog from practicing misbehaviors by managing the environment.

3)Teach your dog which behaviors you do want

4) Practice with your dog

5) Interrupt misbehaviors by redirecting your dog to perform the behaviors you've practiced.

6) Pay your dog for complying.

Translation - Make sure Cosmo is getting plenty of exercise and training.

Attach a leash to Cosmo so you can kindly lead him away from Wyley when he plays inappropriately. Cosmo should lose his opportunity to interact when he misbehaves.

Put into place a reward and communication system - so you can tell Cosmo exactly when he is behaving nicely and you can pay him for it. A clicker is one tool for this -

Good luck!

Alan J Turner
Owner: http//