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fearful/aggressive behavior

19 11:44:53

I have a 3 year old Australian Shepherd (Cassie) and an 8 year old Golden Retriever (Meg).  The problem is with Cassie.  We didn't socialize her well as a puppy and I am now regretting that.  She growls and raises her hackles when a stranger walks by and if someone comes close to her she crouches down and acts very scared.  She has even "submissively urinated" on occasion.  It's gotten so that we put her in her kennel when someone comes over because her bahavior can be intimidating to visitors and I'm not fully convinced that she wouldn't bite.  However, I realize that she could live another 10+ years and I don't want to have to hide her forever.  What can I do so that she will feel more comfortable around strangers?  I don't want to make her fear worse.  

Hi Mary-Ellen;
That is insecurity.
The growling when someone and raising her hackles at strangers is a bit exagerated, but natural for an Australian Shepherd.
Mine bark, evenb if a leaf blows across the lawn. He is friendly to people, but they are by nature watchers, and they are watching out for you.
The exagerated reaction, and then the cowering, is insecurity.
The best remedy for that is animal massage.
I have used the Tellington-Touch method for years.
Go to this site and read what can be accomplished with the massages, and you can order a video from there to learn to do the different massages.

I have used these massages for aggressive bahavior, excessive barking, fears, pain relief, all sorts of things, and a general touching for relaxation before a training session.
These massaages are the quickest way to get relief from pain, fears, aggression and all that stuff.
Write anytime you fell I might be able to help.