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My puppy is biting everyone and everything!

19 10:42:52

I have a 13 week old Bull mastiff  puppy. She has proven herself to be very smart. We just can't seem to get her to understand "NO BITING"! She has toys to chew on and we have several different types so she will not get board. But none are as fun to chew on as we are. She is getting bigger and stronger every day and so is her mouth. Oh and I also have a 4 year old daughter who seems to be the target of her biting. I guess she is easy to reach... What do we do??? Help. And thanks, Jen

Hello..well dogs teeth just like people. When she tries to bite you hold her mouth shut and say NO BITE.  let go and if she isnt biting say GOOD DOG. A four year old is tough since she cant do this and you may need to hire an in home behaviorist. but for now, get a KONG from the store and put peanut butter in it..this should keep the pup busy for hours.