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Heaving worries

19 13:37:02

My dog has been acting strange all day today.  She is a two year old Chiuhuahua (normal size) and is usually very playful....except for today.  She seems rather depressed and lathargic, and she has been heaving a lot today. She doesn't necessairly have DRY heaves since she never actually opens her mouth....she just acts like shes getting ready to vomit (making heaving sounds and all) but then she just stops....without any actual other vomit motions.  Just the heaving with her mouth closed.  I checked her temperature at it's at 102....but I'm still worried about the heaving.  ANy suggestions??


Hi Darcie,

Thank you for writing to me about your darling Chi.

I can only tell you what I would do...I would take my dog to the emergency room or at the very least, phone my vet on an emergency basis.  

Heaving could be many things from obstruction to poisoning to tracea problems.  It could be nothing or it could be life threatening.  Better safe than sorry in my book.

Chihuahua's are very delicate in many ways and I truly think that you might seriously consider my suggestion.

Best of luck.

Shelley Davis