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My dog wont jump down from the furniture

19 13:36:25

In the past couple of days, I've noticed that my 8 month old Papillon won't jump down from the furniture.  She gets up just fine; it's only about a foot off the ground.  But she won't get herself down.  She stands at the edge and paws at the couch or stands on the end of the bed and whines as if she wants to get down.  I am not aware of any accidents that could cause her to be afraid.  She hasn't fallen or been pushed off.  Initially, I just thought she was being stubborn when I would call her, but I've realized that she genuinely seems afraid to get down.  I'd appreciate any feedback at all.

Hi Christine,

Your dog might be having a vision problem, or she may be having some joint pain, which is preventing her from jumping down from furniture. It may be that she sprained a muscle recently, and could be hesitating because of that.

Granted, your dog is young to be having joint problems. But it's possible, especially if there are ticks in your area. A symptom of Lyme Disease is joint pain.

You could either buy or build a ramp for your dog. These days there seem to be a lot of choices for dog ramps online. Just do a google search for "dog ramps".
If you have a ottoman or foot stool, you can place that near the furniture. With a little coaxing, she can be taught to use the foot stool as a step up (or down).

Actually, jumping down from furniture isn't good for any dog, even toy breeds. It is harmful to joints, both in the risk of acute injuries and in long-term damage. So using a ramp from a young age is a really wise habit to form.

If the hesitating to jump continues, you may want to your vet examine her, just to rule out a medical problem.

I hope I've been a help.
Best of luck,
