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How to pick the right puppy

19 10:37:03

I am trying to figure out which puppy is right for our family.  In two weeks I will be getting a male english mastiff puppy.  I have three to chose from, but will not meet him face to face until he is delivered to me.  The breeder has been great with pics and personality info.  The one is very playful, one is very mellow and calm, and one is in the middle but cries when he is being ignored.  I currently have two female(spayed) mastiffs and two sons, 6 and 10.  I feel I am a strong leader for my dogs and could manage just about any dog, but I want to have a dog that works best for my sons and my dogs.  The one dog I have is submissive to people but is not really in to playing.  The other is only 11 months old and is very submissive but is still very much a puppy.
Thank You

Well you will want to avoid the one that cries when being ignored,as that puppy will be more likely to become needy and develop separation anxiety,which can be difficult to deal with

Now the one that is mellow and calm might be a good,as it might be easy to train,but may also be more fearful at times,and also may not be into playing as much

The playful puppy might be a good choice for a playmate with the kids and other dogs,but may also be more difficult to train,and may chew more as well

But from the sounds of what you are looking for,the playful one is the one to go with,and sometimes calmer puppies can also be more difficult to house train,if you exercise the puppy enough obedience training shouldn't be too hard