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Hair Discoloration

19 11:16:46

QUESTION: HI, I have a min female schnauzer who is 2 and a min male schnauzer who is
12. When Sophie went into heat last Gizmo did the typical male thing but is
too old (and a little too chubby) to really be able to do the deed so to speak.
He was successful in getting some "spunk" on her back- ever since then she
has gone from soft light grey color to rusty and crusty. Nothing I do gets it
out- new shampoos, the ocean, hair cuts. Now it has progressed from just
that spot to also where I put her flea medicine, Frontline. I'm thinking this is
something to do with her skin like a rash but it isn't itchy to her and she
doesn't seem to really be bothered at all- no red rash, bumps just the hair
discoloration. The vet told me it would grow out but it hasn't and I want her
to have luxurious hair again! Any advice on what to do?


ANSWER: What is the skin like underneath the hair? Is it just the hair that's icky? If so groom her very very short and see if that helps. Is he still licking her in the areas that are discolored? Have you tried rubbing some baby oil into those areas and then cleaning with witch hazel or lemon juice and THEN shampoo?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The skin is the same as the rest- no sign of irritation or redness- it's just the hair. I know he isn't licking her there. I will try the baby oil/witch hazel/lemon juice idea... I'm not sure why her hair still looks like this- the incident that caused this mess happened a few months ago and we have given her a few hair cuts (I groom them myself) but it has yet to grow out. Maybe shaving her down with a razor and scrubbing her skin?

Do  try the mixture I gave you, meanwhile check your dog food , schnauzers have odd coats and some times the wrong dog food causes them to stain more easily, You can also pick up some eye cleaner (whitener, stain remover) at the local pet store and use that. There is one brand that comes in a gel form that is GREAT for blasting our stains. Scrubbing her skin isn't going to do any good. The stain has to be recurring or it wouldn't be there. Her skin is likely too acidic and they tend to be 'oily' a bit anyway. Try keeping her closely groomed with say a number 15 blade at least on her back and use some lemon juice and eye whitener on those areas.
Let me know what happens :)