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My Basset bit my daughter 2x

19 9:47:09

Please Help!  I have a 17 month old Basset Hound Male.  He is a wonderful boy, and is playful and energetic.  However, he does not like my 6-year-old daughter.  Whenever she comes into the room, or gets within 10 feet of her, he growls and becomes very agitated towards her.  He has lunged at her several times; each of which she was thankfully unharmed.  We took him to the vet after the second time, and the vet gave him a clean bill of health, and told us to slowly introduce her to the dog when she came into the room, and to avoid sneaking up or startling him.  This did not work.  Recently, she bent down to pick something up and he grabbed onto her check.  I was beside her the entire time she was near him, and it was unprovoked.  Thankfully she only received a small puncture wound, bruising and scratches.  Just this morning, he bit her in the face again...only scratches and bruising this time, but why is he doing this?
I have had 3 other Bassets, and I understand their attitudes, but he is a pup.  Please help I do not know what to do with him.  I don't want to get rid of him, but I cannot subject my daughter to this.  

Hi Tristy,

Thank you for writing to me about your puppy's aggressive behavior.  I am sorry to hear that this is happening in your family.

Has your vet checked your dog out for thyroid disease?  That means that the thyroid should be dead center and not even a low or high normal.  If the thyroid is off, so may be the behavior.  Lyme disease has also been known to cause aggressive behavior.  That being said, it is time to bring in an expert.  Ask your vet for a referral to a trainer/behavorist who uses positive reinforcement (aggression begats aggression) to guide you through proper changes that need to be made to correct the situation.  If you are located near one of the 23 vet teaching schools (you can find them on line), they always have a behavorial consultation department.  Too much is at stake here for the situation to be left untreated.

There is also a section of allexperts, under canine behavior, where there are very good volunteers who specialize in aggression who can make recommendations.

In the meantime, you can find some wonderful books and DVD's at a site called  These will help you to understand canine behavior, problem shooting, and problem solving.  Under no circumstance is your dog to be left alone or unattended with your child.  A child should NEVER be left unattended for any reason, even with the most reliable dogs.  In this case, a slip up could mean great harm to your child or your dog may suffer the ultimate consequence for something that wasn't prevented by an owner.  I plead with you to take this very seriously.  Crate or tether your dog when your child is in the room and never allow them to interact until you've solved this problem.  It is solvable!

Best of luck in 2010.

Shelley Davis