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Drooling Boggle

19 11:39:37

Dash is 1 1/2 years old and has never had a problem drolling untill today.  Could this be something that I should have checked out? We started him on a new food over the weekeend,but th at is the only change to his diet that we can think of.  He is the kind of dog that will eat anything, including anything he finds in our yard, mulch, pooh, flies,dirt.  So I guess my question is what to do.  Ihave never been around a dog that has done this.  And it is something that just happened today.  Thank-You for your help.   Iam just concerned about DASH.

Hi Cindy,

Thanks for writing to me about Dash and his sudden drooling.  

Since you describe Dash as a forgager, snarfing up everything in site, I would guess that something is missing from his diet and he is seeking it out in any form he can.

Start with Prozyme with every meal (J-B Wholesale Pet Supply).  This will help Dash disgest and absorb his meals better.

Change (slowly) to a whole food dog food such as Nature's Logic.  It's best to prepare your own food (Dr. Pitcairn's Natural Health for Dogs and Cats will be helpful) but if you can't, then choose a human grade dog food and mix with eggs, yogurt, veggies, etc etc.  

A high quality children's vitamin/mineral or dog vitamin should be given along with fish oil and Missing Link (J-B Wholesale Pet Supply).

In the meantime, I would definitely have Dash checked out by your vet on an emergency basis, to determine if he has ingested anything poisonous.  This is very important because drooling can be a sign of poisoning.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis