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19 11:32:01

Brownie is an Australian cattle dog mix, 3 years old, came from a shelter 6
months ago. She is spayed, eats mostly dog food, with treats occasionally of
human food.  She spends almost all of her time indoors as she is very fearful of
people, cars, noises, ceiling fans etc.  She is not afraid of other dogs, however.
How can I condition her to be more sociable?

At 3 years of age, it's going to be difficult, if not impossible, Susan. You see, puppies go through several stages as they are growing. It's important to expose puppies to all manner of things during this time so that when they are adults, they will not be afraid of them. I'm guessing your dog was never properly socialized and is always going to be fearful of things she shouldn't be. I cannot give you adequate advice over the internet, and especially without seeing her behavior for myself. I would recommend that you try to find a canine behaviorist in your area that can come and work with you and your dog one-on-one at your house. Then, if your dog is up to it, you can take her out in public to work with her some.

If she is food motivated, using a clicker might work wonders for her. The key is to make her confront her fears and make the experiences positive for her.