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Spiteful Accidents

19 11:07:02

I have two grown dogs 4 and 1.5yrs.  My 1.5 yr old dog has started having
persistent accidents in the home when I leave.  I could leave for 10 minutes
after they have just been out only to return to an accident.  While Im at work
or I can let them out in the morning, and she will poop outside the shower,
while I'm showering.   I rarely see it happen so that I could correct the
behavior.  But she knows its wrong as she will greet me with her tail tucked
or hide under the bed as I'm cleaning it up.   She is capable of holding it,
because she will not have an accident if I crate her.  However, she does not
like to be crated.  Is it wrong to crate her and leave my  good dog to roam
free?  How can I prevent this spiteful behavior.  Its ruining my carpet.  I clean
each accident up thoroughly only to find more and more.  I praise her and
give her treats when she potty's outside.  Help?

Crate her-regardless if she likes it or not,like a child that is misbehaving they do not deserve to get what they want until they behave

Because she only does it sometimes just crate her when you cannot watch her,and then take her right outside and praise the heck out of her when she goes outside,then she will learn she will only get rewarded when she is not soiling all over the place

and try that for a few weeks and if she goes back to it-put her back in the crate

Something else that will help calm her down when she goes in the crate is something called 'rescue remedy' and it is usually sold at health food stores and is safe without using drugs,and usually works well and will help keep her calm when she is in the crate,just put a few drops on a small piece of bread or cracker