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Dog Diarrhea

19 10:54:54

What is best remedy for diarrhea for dogs?
Both home remedies and professional meds?
Can we administer human over-the-counter meds?

The first thing you need to do is to determine the reason for the diarrhea. Make sure your dog is not ill,. and doesn't have worms. Treating the symptoms without treating the source can be lifethreatening. All that said, once you are aware of the cause, give your dog canned pumpkin, unsalted chicken broth, pedialyte until the problem has slowed down. Unflavored, all natural yogurt and acidolphous capsules will help as well. You can give your dog immodium,or pepto to help control the symptoms as well
Gradually introduce solid foods back into his diet after he has improved.
Good luck