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Pomeranian Hair Regrown after Shaving

19 9:52:08

I stupidly shaved my pomeranian and now most of the hair has grown in except a small bald spot (not bald but the length of the original shaving)  I have been trying to figure out the cause.  Do you think it is clip alopecia.  And should I put my dog on oral melatonin?  If yes how often do I feed her the 3 mg tablets.  Or am I better off with "The Missing Link" dietary suppliment.  Please help me!

I would try Omega 3 fatty acids first, it is stronger than missing link.  Break open a human size pill and put it over the food once a day.  Try that for about 2 months and see what happens...   Next time you want to shorten your pom's hair, have them leave an inch, if possible.  Keep the hair brushed out. If you don't want to cut the hair at all, try the furminator treatment, it is great for their coat and gets all the undercoat out.  It greatly reduces shedding.
If the omega three doesn't start working, get back with me.  I will need to know the dogs weight.