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Stopping my dog from peeing when excited

19 14:16:53

I am the proud owner of a 6 month old Dachshund.  Unfortualy when ever someone he knows comes over he gets over excited and pees on them and the floor.  How do I stop this? He is a great dog except for this problem. We put him outside right away but he still pees once he is back in side with our guests. It is embarassing. This is the only time he does this he is familar with us and does not do it to us just our guests. Please help!

Rachelle..this is not a housebreaking problem so do not put the dog outside as he will start thinking he is being punished for greeting company and maybe start becoming aggressive toward them. It is an excitable problem that some dogs can't control under certain circumstances....When company comes over..tell them to totally ignore the dog. Do not look at him or say anything. Let them come in and sit down or be in for a few then when they are in a sitting position, they can calmly pet the dog. The more you pay attention during that initial time, the more that is triggered...thanks and good luck