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pitbull very excited.....

19 14:23:18

Hi, i have a 7 month pitbull. He is very happy, excited, and overall a good dog. But sometimes, he gets really excited when people come over and he tends to jump on them. Is there something i can do to make him not do that in the future? He doesn't really do that to me or my family. i guess he knows us better and doesnt get as excited. and he knows i'd get mad if he did that to me. When guests come over, i have to yell at him to make him stop. Is there anything u can suggest? Thanks.  

Hi Tony,
 I would suggest that you had a couple of good friends help and have a couple of practice sessions to work on the problem. You will have the dog on the leash and your friend will come in a talk very excited to the dog in hopes that he will try and jump up and you will be able to give him a strong NO and leash correction with a choke chain. The dog will probably not do it again during that session, as they get very wise, but you can try again in a couple of days with another friend.  Continue to work on the dogs obedience to get him sharper and so that you can say NO in a stern voice but not have to Yell to get him to stop a behavior.  Then he should be able to listen with only a firm reminder. Be consistent and don't let anybody praise the dog for jumping by petting him, this will undo your training.  Best regards, Dawn Hoppe & Tina K-9