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Boxer Breeding

19 10:03:54

Hello, I have a 2yr old boxer that I want to try and breed this heat cycle. Iam just wondering when is the right time to introduce the dogs, who should be more comfortable the male or female? I just dont know when she is most fertile or what happens after we let them breed does she need to see a doctor or do we just wait? Please help me I have no clue

Hi Krystin,

Your dog is the most fertile 11-15 into her heat cycle. A males sperm can last up to 5 days inside the female dog, so if she's bred to more than one dog, it's possible to have a litter that is fathered by more than one dog!

Your dog should be examined by your vet before breeding, to ensure she is in tip top shape. The vet will check your dog for genetic problems such as hip conditions. This check up is important to the well being of your dog as well as the future of the pups. If she's needing any vaccines, that is something that needs to be done before she gets pregnant. Once your dog is confirmed to be pregnant, regular veterinary visits will be necessary to monitor her health and the health of the pups.

Before introducing your female dog to a male dog, you need to do the following:

1. Contact a breed club for your breed. Ask for a mentor.

2. STUDY the breed standard. Learn about dog anatomy and ask your mentor to clarify anything you don't understand.

3. Learn what genetic faults and diseases run in your breed and test for any that can be tested for.

4. Show your dog in conformation events to see if it is of the proper quality for breeding. Winning doesn't always mean a dog is breeding quality, but being around so many others that know your breed and will talk to you will do wonders for your self-education efforts!

5. Study the past history of great dogs in your breed. You will see how your breed has improved and progressed since the beginning of the breed.

6. Study the breed standard some more! ;-)

7. Join any Yahoo groups about your breed.

8. Get a good book on canine reproduction, and educate yourself about the pitfalls, problems, and proud moments of breeding. Learn about the physiology of reproduction, such as heat cycles and venereal diseases in dogs, potential for problems specific to your breed, and what you need to
expect at whelping.

9. Remember that whelping (giving birth) can kill your female. Being used as a stud dog can encourage bad behaviors common in intact males such as territorial marking, aggression, and desire to roam from home.

10. Prepare to be broke. Breeding properly is EXPENSIVE.

11. Line up potential homes for any puppies you produce and write up a contract. Remember to include that you will be willing to take back your puppies at any time in their lives that they might need you. If you bring life into this world, it is your responsibility FOREVER.

12. Prepare to spend sleepless nights attending whelping females, caring for fading puppies or puppies orphaned, and practice cleaning up after 24/7 poop machines.

Best of luck,
