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Should we get a Boxer or a King charles caviler?

19 10:07:53

My sister and i (25 & 23) have been living on our own for 4yrs we have always wanted a dog (of our own) we have had dogs (maltese terrier & siberian husky) prior to moving out.

A few weeks ago we purchased a boxer puppy we only had him for a week when we found out he was very sick, we were very upset when we had to give him back as we had already fell in love with him. But we know it was for the best.

We want to try again, the right way, through a registered breeder. We are still very much in love with the Boxer breed and have friends and work mates who own and love Boxers. We have done a lot of research and understand their temperment. We are also interested in the king charles caviler breed.

We want a dog that is active and will enjoy daily walks but also be content to relax and cuddle on the lounge, we are able to be firm and train them from a puppy. We both work 5 days a week, however i work wed-sun and my sister works mon-fri so they will only be alone for 3 days a week (8hr days). We have a small/medium yard with good fencing.

Im just wondering which breed you would recommend, we dont really want a lap dog, as we would prefer a medium or large playful dog. We are open to suggestions. Thank you Erin

I think a Boxer will be perfect,they don't mind being on there own and aren't generally a needy dog-and should be ok for three days on his/her own,and like all dogs,while they are puppies a crate is the best way to house train it-they are active but will calm down inside as well

Now as for a King Charles Caviler,they would be ok as well-although they are calmer than a boxer,and generaly don't like long walks-and probably aren't really what you are looking for as they are lap dogs

Another breed to look into would be a boston terrier,as they are like a Boxer,only smaller-but NOT a lap dog,pretty much have everything you have in a boxer in miniture,and they also live longer,as well