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male boxer and male english bulldog

19 11:00:00

I recently rescued a male bulldog someone had tied in their back yard..he was very thin and has marks on his neck from the chain. The vet says he will be fine with time but the problem is, I have a 3 year old male boxer, this bulldog is 1 1/2 years old, neither neutered. When they are in the same room they growl and snarl at each other. I do not want them to fight. How do I get them to get along

Getting both dogs neutered will probably be a good idea,as males tend to fight less when they are done,so that will be the first step

And the second would be to muzzle both dogs(and you can get muzzles for flat faced dogs,just ask the staff at a pet store)and let them sort out there ranks,without hurting each other,and once they know who is alpha they will give up trying to fight