Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > DOG MOUTH ULCER


19 9:28:28

Have had my dog at a kennel for 2 weeks noticed he now has what looks like a round red sore on his upper lip and a smaller one on his lower lip the smaller one is not red,could these have been picked up at the kennel.He is still eating and very playful i have just taken him to the beach for a swim.Regards Marie


Hi Marie,

I really can't say if your dog being at the kennel has anything to do with the mouth sores you've recently noticed.

The cause for dog mouth sores/ulcers vary widely. Some canine mouth sores signal skin disease, others signal internal disease. Underlying conditions of mouth sores may range from harmless to fatal. Because a variety of conditions may cause mouth sores, you should take your dog to the vet promptly.

Best of luck,
