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my dogs keep urinating in my house

19 10:39:24

I have a jack Russell who will be one in October and a pug who is two.  We just got the pug from someone but they said he was house trained.  My jack was doing good till we moved into our new home.  I crate them at night and while I'm not home.The dogs go outside several times a day but they both seem to keep peeing and pooping in the house they know they did wrong.  When i discover it and say who did this the victim will back off and back away in shame how can I get them from peeing and pooping in my house???????????


its time to go back to step 1 with crate training. They just need a refresher course, probably because of the new house. Start being very rigorous- when they come out of the crate they cant come back inside until they have pooped and peed. Once they come in, don't let them out of your site! if you catch one starting to go, correct them and take them out to finish, then praise them outside. Every time they go outside, praise and praise and praise!!!

It may take a few weeks, but they will eventually realize that this new house is the same as the old.

Good luck!