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my puppy threw up

19 9:23:42

my puppy is 3 months old  and he threw up twice i dont know what to do what can i give him? because i dont think my mom is going to want to take him to the vet he just ate right now but what do i do if he throws that up? i tried to get him to drink water a while ago but he would'nt drink it please is there anything that i can give him around the house?


Sorry that your puppy is sick...does he seem sick?  Or was he just eating too fast or perhaps the food is not good for him?  Has he been to a vet for his shots?  Sometimes vaccinations can make a puppy sick.  On the other hand he could have the beginning of Parvo, a death sentence for a puppy unless you get him to the vet immediately..and even then it's touch and go.

It is a good sign that he wanted to eat again but not a good sign that he won't drink.  Can you get some pedialyte and give that to him..the plain kind with no coloring in it?  Other wise get some "SmartWater" because that is said to also replace lost electrolytes.

Do not feed him for the day..let his tummy settle down and you can give him a pinch of pepto bismo but just a pinch.  Also keep an eye on him and if he seems like he's sick and throwing up or having diarrhea, or listless, you MUST get your mother to take him to the vet to save his life.  He will also need to be checked for things, just like a baby would.

Remember that taking on the responsibility of a dog is a life long committment for the life of the dog. If he gets sick it would be cruel and considered animal abuse to deprive him of medical attention.  If you can't afford to do what is right for your puppy than you will need to find a good, loving home for him where he can be raised with everything he deserves for a good, healthy life.  Perhaps this isn't the right time for a puppy?

Also..make sure that he is on a high quality puppy food..this is very important because he's growing fast now and he needs the right nutrition.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis

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