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Vicious Dog next door

19 14:10:46


We have a vicious dog next door that keeps getting throught the fence and barking at me when I go in my backyard.

I have to constantly call the neighbors. They tie him up for awhile, but then soon the dog is loose again chewing through the fence. I have fixed the fence several times - but the dog keeps biting his way through.

Can you suggest a rememdy? Is there a screen layering that I can put over my side of the fence?

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Al,

I totally sympathize with your problem. You'd be hard pressed to find a bigger dog lover than I am, and yet being harassed or threatened by somebody's dog is not something anybody should have to put up with. It shows a complete lack or respect and concern on the part of your neighbor.

Depending on the relationship you have with your neighbor, and whether or not you'd like to preserve it, I'd say your next step should be to contact your town's Animal Control officer.

Most states and local governments have laws regulating dangerous dogs. If you decide to register a complaint, be sure to mention that you have repeatedly spoken to this neighbor, yet this continues to be a problem.

I don't know what your fence is made out of, or what kind of budget you have to spend on fortifying it. Perhaps a heavy gauge wire link would be strong enough to keep the dog out.
The dog is coming over to your yard for a reason. You should be sure that your garbage can lids are tight fitting, and pick up any dog waste that's in your yard. If you remove the things that are attracting the dog, it will help keep him out.

Here are some more things you can try:

There is a product called Ropel that you would spray on the fence, the dog should leave it alone after it's been treated. Rain will wash it away over time, but one experience from chewing something treated with Ropel would be enough to keep the dog from doing it again. I haven't used this product, but it's worth a try.

If the problem is the dog's barking all the time, you can use an ultra sonic bark stopper to train it to stop. There are several on the market, here are a few:

There are several brands of dog repellent granules which
create a "wall" the dog won't want to cross. (I haven't used these products)

All kinds of repellents here:

An effective deturrant is also a motion activated water sprayer. This device hooks up to your garden hose and is staked into the ground. Set it out in the area you want to protect. Once the sprayer is positioned to protect your yard, the next time the dog comes into range it will get a blast of high pressure water with 3 second shot. The unit will then reset itself so it's ready to spray again. Many garden centers and home supply stores carry these items.
If you live in a region which freezes in the winter, this would not be a good option, since you have to leave it hooked up to your garden hose.

I have a motion activated water sprayer that I use near my water garden, it stopped a very persistent Heron from eating my fish. It's very effective, on the UPS delivery person too.

I hope I've been a help.

Best of luck,