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Any advice? My dog has a sore on his leg.

19 11:59:38


I would like to know if anyone has any natural suggestions or home remedies for my baby. He has a sore on his front leg that I just noticed that is red on puffy about the size of a dime. I noticed it after I saw him licking it. There is no puss coming out. It is just hard and red.

I have gotten ripped off before by vets so I wanted to see if anyone knew if I could do anything myself before take him in.

Thanks so much,

Hi Bianca!
You could try putting neosporin on it. You can buy this over the counter and Walmart even has a generic brand. You may have a problem keeping in on him though because he will probably try to lick it off. You could buy some gauze and bandage tape and make a bandage for him, just make sure it isn't too tight.  If he won't leave the bandage alone, there is a product called Bitter Apple that you can put on it that is very bitter tasting, and it will keep him from licking or biting on the bandage.
If the neosporin doesn't help, and the sore gets larger and/or he begins to lose hair around the area, then it mayu be ringworm.  There are also over the counter meds for that too.  You can get them at PetSmart or most pet related store. You can also buy prodcuts on the internet. Just type in "pet products" in google and there will be many places that you can choose from.  
I hope he gets better!

God Bless,