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The circle of poop

19 10:07:56

My wife and I have just rescued a bichon/poodle mix and he is a great little
dog.  A happy guy.  We think he is about 1 year old and he is house-broken.  I
walk him about 4 times a day and he gets lots of exercise outside.

He has a weird habit of squatting down to poop and constantly turning in a
circle while he is doing his business and sniffing the ground.  I have had
several dogs in my life, and none of them have exhibited such a strange
"dance" while pooping.

Do you have any suggestions for reigning in this behavior?  It is weird looking
and the dog is always stepping in his own poop and the poop is spread
around all over the place making it difficult to pick up (a plop here, a drop
there).  Any ideas to stop the dance so he can poop in one spot like most

Please help,


Hi Barry,

Congratulations on getting a dog!

Your dog's behavior of turning in a circle isn't really so odd.  Your dog is placing his "calling card" in a specific area on purpose, and the behavior doesn't need to be stopped. Maybe guide him (with the leash) away from his poo, the moment he's finished, so he doesn't step in it.

Best of luck,
