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Upset stomach and vomiting yorkie

19 14:02:30

I have a two year old yorkie that my son purchased for my birthday in January.  She once in a while vomits a bright yellow slimy substance however this evening, she is not able to hold anything down, and has diarhea.  what could be the problem.  She even drank water and throwed it p also.  Any help would be greatly appreciated from the Texan lady, there are no vets available tonight.  Can you help me?  Thanks in advance!

I can't possibly tell you the cause of the problem without giving the animal an exam and getting a history of the animal from you; however, I can give you a suggestion about what to do. First off, get the dog to your vet as soon as possible. If you can't get to your vet right away give your dog some kayopectate, not pepto bismol (it has asprin in it and can be toxic to your dog) give it about a teaspoon about three times a day (if you happen to have a syringe give it 3cc three times a day). It will coat the stomach and should help. Also do not allow your dog to eat for at least 12 hours but do allow it to have plenty of water. Also check to make sure it is not dehydrated, the best way to do this is to pinch the eye lid on the dog and see if it snapps back in place or if it stays up where you have pinched it. If it doesn't snap back in place the animal is dehydrated and needs veterinary attention. The problem could be caused by: parasites, infection of the stomach, ulcers, blockage in the intestines, something she ate, etc... your vet should be able to pinpoint the cause and give antibiotics, etc... that will help for the specific cause. Also you can take your pets temperature, place a thermometer in the anus (be sure to coat it with vasoline, etc... so it will go in smoothly) any temperature above 103 means that there is likely an infection and your dog needs to see the vet immediately, especially if it has a fever and is dehydrated. Since she is throwing up a slimy yellow color liquid and has diarrhea it is most likely that she has worms or has eaten a frog (eating frogs can cause the yellow vomitus, salivation and diarrhea and commonly occurs in dogs, they usually will eat whatever they find hopping around the yard) Hope this helps and let me know if you have anymore questions.