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mini schnauzer barking

19 9:52:17

my 18 week old pup constantly barks at everyone when we are out walking he also pulls alot on the lead. please can you tell me what collar and leash would help with the pulling. also how much should he weigh ath this age.Thanks for any help the barking whilst out is driving me mad

Hello Anne;
As far as his can look up a table of Schnauzer weights on a website with Breed statistics..
As far as his barking and pulling, these will need to be addressed with a regular routine of classes.
I recommend that you take him to a "Socialization" and "Obedience" class as soon as possible.
This is the age that they get to be shy, and then they start to bark at everything! And Pulling is the sign of trying to dominate you!
The classes are great, because they put him in environments with different dogs, and different stimuli...and the dogs learn to be social!
You will not need a special collar or leash at all, just these classes to help you give him the confidence he needs at this age...and then with growth, he will be a lot better when mature!
The "Petsmart" classes are great..or a park, and or a rescue shelter. As they are used to the problems you are having, and with constant repeat reinforcement, that is how a dog learns.
Let me know how you do, and thank you for your question.
Best of luck,