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Green Tea

19 13:43:18

I want to start giving my dogs green tea. Just the the decaffinated version I buy for myself at the grocery store.  Is this okay and are there benefits?  We recently had a dog pass from cancer and I would like to boost the immunity of our other 3.

Hi Julia,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog, who is lucky enough to have a health conscious caretaker!

Green tea is an immune booster and would be great to give to your dog.  

Sorry about the loss of your dog to cancer.  There are many other suppliments and pure foods that you can use with your furry family to help prevent cancer, green tea being only one of them.

Below is some information from one canine green tea company (I have no affililiation with it)that you might look into regarding how much to give according to weight:

"Giving your pet a tasty chewable Green Tea Tab provides them an all natural treat packed with the protection of an antioxidant 100 times stronger than vitamin C. Green Tea antioxidants are also stronger than vitamin E. Free radicals attack every cell of the body with the potential to do great damage. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and prevent the damage from occurring. You can protect your pet with our beneficial green tea extracts. Green Tea tabs will help your pet be healthier longer by blocking damage from free radicals. Population studies have linked drinking green tea daily with a lowered risk of stomach, esophageal and liver cancers. One study showed a possible link in reduced heart disease rate and green tea consumption. (These were studies of human populations, this is a case where we were the guinea pigs for the animals).

Ageless Pet guarantees a minimum of 40% of the antioxidant in the Green Tea Tabs is EpiGalloCatechinGallate (EGCg), the most potent of the antioxidants from Green Tea. Actual analysis of the last lot showed 65% of the antioxidants was EGCg.
P.S. Give your pet the best you can. Green Tea Tabs will provide excellent levels of antioxidants that have been shown to promote cardiac health and protect against disease, immune deficiency and some cancers. "

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis