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Puppy afraid to go for walk or ride in car

19 10:46:59

Zoey is a 7 month old rescuse mixed breed (probably some poodle and terrier).  We have had her for 5 months.  She was cared for for eight weeks by a woman running a rescue service.  Aoey was one of 8 pups left in a box at the county animal shelter, no mother.

Zoey has become progressively more fearful of going for a walk or car ride.  When we put on our coats she runs and hides behind the sofa.  Same thing if I pick up a leash.  Once out for a walk she seems to enjoy them.  To my knowledge she has not been traumitized in the car or on a walk.  In the car she immediately jumps to the floor and shivers with fear.

I am at a complete loss.

thanks very much.


I had the same experience with a dog I acquired.  Zoey is afraid she is going to be given away.  Start by putting on her leash, giving her a treat and not going out.Do this 4 or 5 times before you actually take her for a walk.  She will get used to it eventually.  Mine took almost a year before he realized he was going anywhere else.   
As for the car:  Put her in the car, take her immediately out of it and back in the house.  She needs to associate the car and walks with going back to the house.  Next, put her in the car and start it, but don't go anywhere.  Bring her back in the house.  Just keep repeating this until you see improvement.  
Get back with me and let me know how it goes