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Dog through up seeral times then rubbed her nose on carpet so much t bled and she left blood streaks. Why?

19 9:18:13

Last night my dog threw up several times and then it looks like she rubbed the top of her nose on the carpet so much the skin peeled off and she got blood streaks all over the carpet. Why would she do this. Do you have any experience with this type of sinerio? If so what are you ideas?
Thank You


Hi Ashley,

When your dog vomited, it's possible some of her vomit went up into her nasal cavity (the nose and the throat are connected) and it was uncomfortable for her.

If your dog continues to vomit over the next 36 hours, or she continues to rub her muzzle so violently that she's scraping off her skin, it's time to have her examined by your vet.

Best of luck,
