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baggy after six mths of having puppies

19 14:01:08

Hi dawn this sandy again. my 4 yr old chocolate lab has that baggyness after having puppies about 6 or 7 months ago the puppies were broke from her at 4wks. She itches her bag until it bleeds and her bag is starting to turn purple and red she is also losing hair on her legs and her chest. we have been using permerithin but that don't seem to help. give us some ideas what else we can use one her so we can give her some relief from itching. we do have 3 other labs and they are not itching like her. there itching is normal but her ain't. please give us some idea what we could use.

Hi Sandy, She needs to get on Prednisolone to stop the itching feeling so you can get an upper hand on what is causing the itching.  She needs to go to a vet to get that.  It is basically a vicious cycle, she itches, scratches it which as it is healing will itch more and cause her to scratch more.  So until you can find the cause, you have to break the cycle by stopping the itching sensation which prednisolone will do.  I would take her in as soon as possible to get things started.  Hope this helps,
