Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > my mini schnauzer is ill

my mini schnauzer is ill

19 10:20:06

my puppy is 3months old he has been running a fever his nose has been hot along with his tummy! he is still playful but he has the runs and has been throwing up a bit what is wrong with him? could it be the pedigree puppy i have been feeding him? i do no not feed him table food! im at a loss anyone know what there is i can do for him! please respond he has been this way for 2 days!

Dear Sasha,

Thank you for writing to me about your puppy.  My advice is to rush him to emergency.  The symptoms you are describing don't sound very good..I do believe he could be in grave danger.  Please...rush him to emergency!

Good luck,
Shelley Davis