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Dog hates my boyfriend

19 14:11:15

I got my dog (pug) about two months ago from a pug breeder.  He was one year and eight months and had never been around people or indoors...just pugs and the lady that fed them.  He was instantly attached to me within two days but was very leary of other people.  Since then, he has warmed up to my entire family (which he sees about once a week) but hates my boyfriend more and more everyday.  Also, he is completely obsessed with me.  At first, I thought he was scared of him because he is big and has a very deep voice and all my dog had been used to was a small woman.  But, my brother is big too and strangers that he sees he is okay with.  When my boyfriend comes over or into any room that "Norman" (my dog) is in he flips out.  He starts running back and forth, barking, growling.  He won't let anyone near him while my boyfriend is in the room...not even me.  When my boyfriend tries to go up to him he runs all over the place trying to get away.  Then after he leaves, Norman stares at the door for the rest of the day and paces the apartment looking for him.  My boyfriend is sooo gentle and has done nothing but kiss and pet Norman (when I hold him down).  Sometimes, I will bring Norman over to the couch and make him lay inbetween us.  He will relax after about 10 minutes and stay comfortable but the minute my boyfriend gets up Norman jumps off the couch and it starts all over again.  Norman will even act different for about 2 days if he has been around my boyfriend a lot recently.  If he goes out of town for a few days...Norman is very active and happy.  What do I do???  I don't think he is scared anymore.  I think he is jealous and just really hates him.  There is no reason for Norman to be scared of him.  I even wore my boyfriend's clothes for a while and Norman didn't care.  Its just being around him.  Please help.  Nothing is working.  He is so happy to see everyone else and plays...but with my boyfriend he just hides and runs around and barks.  My boyfriend has never seen Norman play or even wag his tail.  

Hi Leslie;
There are only two reasons I know of that would explain your dog's behavior.
One is, the dog my be jealous of you and your boyfriend.
That is very likely.
My daughter's cat was extremely jealous of my husband and me. She picked him for her favorite person, and if i sat in his lap, she would get on his chest, and put her feet against me and try to push me off.
When he kissed me, if we were sitting, she would climb up and try to push between our faces, and break us apart.
Does he act possive of you if you pay attention to other people, like children?
The other reason I approach carefully, but it is a possibility too.
Dogs know more about us than we know about ourselves.
They know the depth of our soul, and if there is harm in us, they can tell.
How long and how well do you know this man?
If Norman tollerates the man, but won't leave you alone with im, pay attention to your dog!
I have had dogs all my life, and more than once, a dog refused to allow a man near me, alone, and both times, it was later learned the man was dangerous.
One instance was a salesman who came to my door. I thought I would be interested in what he was selling, and invited him in.
When I asked someone in, Lady, my German shepherd would stand aside and let them come in. This time though, she snarled at him, and wouldn't let him in.
I told him I was sorry but the dog says no, and when my husband is not at home, she is the boss.
He was in a neighbor;s house, chasing her around when her husband came hme unexpectedly. the man ran out the door when her husband;s car drove up in the driveway. She was shoving furniture between herself and the man. He was intent on harming her, and had her husband not suddenly decided to come home for lunch, it is possible she would have been killed. She certainly would have been seriously harmed.
This dog was always affectionate with my husband, but when we were separated, she became distant to him. I noticed then, that she was always with him if he was with our children. I had just thought it was because she was always where our children were.
When we separated, she would stay between myself and him when he was at our house.
She watched him constantly, and sure enough, the dude has plans to do away with me.
now, that was her daddy since she was a puppy, but she knew the darkness in him.
Later, I came to know that he was NOT someone who could have been left alone with our two daughters.
More comminly, the dog will just be jealous. Thank God there are no so many men that can't be trusted, but there are more than there used to be.
Please watch for other signs that this man may become an abuser.
I feel I HAVE to tell you that, because there are people who abuse others.
The fact that the dog lays netween the two of you sounds a little more like jealousy.
does the dog go to speel when this man is there? Or does he stay awake and always in the same room with the man.
If the dog ever goes to sleep in another room, when this man is there, and leaves you alone with him, then I would say it is jealousy.
If he refuses to go to sleep, and leave you alone, then watch yourself for othet tell tale signs. For your safety !
That breeder soulds very much like a puppy mill !
Breeders pay attention to their dogs! they are careful to socialize them, except what we call puppy mill operators.
These people breed animals for the money alone, and they do not care about the welfare of the dogs.
Reputable breeders allow their breeder dogs to have no more than one litter per year. they will not allow this every year. the health of their dogs are uppermost in their concern.
The dogs are given affection and love as well as the best of care for their health.
It sounds like this poor dog was love starved, and would naturally attach himself to one person, and guard that person's affections jealously.
He may be afraid that if he allows you to be close to this man, he will lose the only real love he has known.
My German shephers, Lady, had always allowed my husband to pet her, and greeted him at the door when he came home, but after all the other light was shed,looking back, I could see she had always just tollerated him, but was always around us.
She NEVER slept in another room, as long as I was married to him, but always beside my side of the bed.
when I remarried, I still had Lady. she was old then, but she slept in her own bed, in another room. She was never watchful of him.
When he went somewhere with the children, Lady did not always go. When my first hsband went somewhere with the children, and i did not go along, Lady had NEVER let hgim go alone. she had always jumped in the car and went with them.
I was married to that man for 11 and 1/2 years, and I did not know the darkness in him.
I learned more about him after our divorce, and Lady had good reason not to let him be alone with our little daughters.
My first was not playful, and Lady would stop us if we started scuffling. He nevrr was playful at all until I was pregnant. He would get a bit rough, and Lady would growl and show her teeth.
After i remarried, she was not like that at all.
This husband is very playful, and we scuffled a lot. He and the kids wrestled all the time. Lady joined in, and never tried to curb the romps.
Because that first one did not play to play, he had a sadistic streak, and was atually trying to cause pain.
The fact that the dog will not play with your boyfriend and will play with others is disturbing.
If it were just jealousy, he would likely play with your boyfriend, just not allow him to play with you.
Pugs are very protective. the fact that you are the first person to show affection to him would make him more watchful of you, but please learn more about this person you are seeing.
I am not saying the man is a Jack the Ripper, but if he is a likely person to be abusive, this dog, or any other dog will know that.
The hiding and running around barking is another sign that he sees something to fear in this person.
Just please be very careful!