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Puppy sleeping

19 9:45:23

Hi i have a 7 month old Bijon frise who used to sleep in the kitchin in his bed. Once night he slept in my room and ever since that he wont sleep downstairs, he cries and barks until we go down to him. Can you please give me any help as to how i get him back into the habbit of sleeping downstairs again? this is our first dog. thanks

Hello Leanne;
Well this is not going to be have taught him the finer things in life...he will be very sad and lonely now! Leaving him in a crate now, is going to be punishment in his he knows you had taken him upstairs, and he does not understand why he cannot go???
So, my feelings are for you to get him a buddy, as he knows he is alone and you are upstairs!
Let me know,