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Papillon eyes watering

19 11:57:37

My papillon is 8 months old, I got him when he was 12 weeks from a rescue. His eyes has watered pretty much ever since I got him. The vet said he had pink eye, I put eye ointment in until gone but they are still watering? Is this just a trait of the dog?

I've never had a Papillon, so I will defer to the breed experts on the Allexperts site under Dog Breeds, but some breeds with protruding eyes will water a bit, but I don't think that is the case with your puppy. Sometimes eyes watering is a symptom of an allergy, either to food or dust. If he seems agitated by it - scratching, rubbing his eyes, I would take him to the vet to rule out allergies and perhaps need to give him eye drops to alleviate the allergy.

Good luck, I'm sure he's a sweetie.