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Peeing in shower

19 13:48:54

Hi Nancy -

Any suggestions on how to let the dog know it's ok to pee in the shower? I'm in a highrise building, so I can't just let him out whenever he needs to go. The shower is floor-level, so he can walk in. This wouldn't take the place of his walks, but it would allow him an outlet between walks if he has to go really bad.

I tried putting in some paper towels that had been rubbed in his pee outside, to give him the idea. Also tried peeing in there myself. No luck, he just sniffs around, then sits down.

I've also tried putting in some sod, to make it feel more like being outside. Same thing happened, he just sat down.

I could close the shower door and leave him there until he can't hold it anymore, but I'd rather not go that route.

Any ideas?



There are training products on the market that help you with that by drawing the dog to the spot you want him to go.  You might want to try these first, they are in the potty training area where the puppy pads are located in Petsmart.  They are amonia based.  The best thing to do is have another dogs scent in there, if this is possible.  Try this other method first.