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Hi my name is Trica I am 13...

19 14:31:04

Hi my name is Trica I am 13 years old, I really want a dog and my family likes dogs, but are saying maybe becuase they are not sure how much money it will be to keep a dog, I know dogs can be expensive, but most breeders have their puppies wormed and all their shots for about their first year. The only really big expense is when you buy the dog. After you have the bed, leash, food, ad toys, your set for awhile. I just want to know how much on an average it would be to start your puppy off with his/her needs. We are thinking about a cockapoo, how much will we actually need to grom him/her? An help would be great=)

Hi, trica... i don't reall know, how much will cost everything for a dog of cockapoo breed. it depends, what are you going to feed it with; also, you don't need to buy toys, bed and everything else immeadiately when you buy a dog, because it's a money dropping. when whe bought a dog, whe bought him a bed, some toys and we don't use it now, because our dog don't like these toys and that bed.when you buy a dog, you will see what he needs after a week or less. if he trying to hide somewhere and then to lie, he needs a dog-house; if he's lying where he wants, and he doesn't matter that, you shouldn't buy for him a bed. just use a small soft mat 4 him . sorry, about grooming of this breed dog i don't know anything, because i hadn't had a dog of this breed. also, you need to involve a shampoo, conditionaire (i don't know how much it costs in your country), a grooming oil, some good brush, eye and ear cleaner,...

P.S. Also, if you are going to participate with your new dog to a dogshows, looking after a dog could be more harder and it will require more money..

Please rate. Amanda